Program Development

Assessment done, now the hard work starts

Don’t have the resources or expertise to develop

Challenges proven the maturity progress

Process needs to be defined
Schedule your free, no-obligation meeting today.
Trying to develop your cybersecurity program can often feel like juggling a dozen balls in the air. One second shoring up resources, the next trying to improve protection by flipping on a feature, to then responding to emails questioning what you’re doing in light of the new breach report.
At the end of the year, you can think of few specific good things you did, but have a hard time communicating to leadership the overall security improvements you’ve made.
Measuring this progress feels overwhelming and not sure where to start. Risk seems ‘squishy’ and lacks the qualitative metrics the c-suite is looking for.
We break down a cybersecurity program into simple pieces called ‘pillars’.
Each pillar is made of up security controls.
Each security control has a defined capability and key performance indicators (KPI).
By organizing your program this way, everything is organized and laid out in a system that can be tracked, measured, and reported on.
It also allows us to build specific disciplines into pillar development.
For example, one of the primary pillars is ‘Identify’. Are we able to identify the assets that we have? If yes, we can move on to the next one. If not, (which is normally the case) we can apply our systematic proven process for improving your ‘Identify’ pillar.
Another advantage is that we can compare the health and strength of the pillars to one another. This reveals deltas and gaps relative to one another. This is one of the primary areas we focus on to improve programs, improve visibility, and decide road-map initiatives.
Sometimes clients will have a specific program challenge they are facing. Because or our experience and breadth of clients, we’ve been able to experience solutions to these challenges.
I was recently asked by a board member, ‘Are we secure?’. A simple three-word question. You’d think that would be easy to answer. But in all honesty, it’s one of the hardest. Organizing and measuring your program by security pillars allows us to show leadership the health and security maturity of each area. It tracks progress over time. When we use this approach, we’re able to turn the question around by showing how the program is organized, the maturity of each pillar, and an overall quantitative score. Then we can ask, “Is this secure enough?”
Schedule a conversation to strengthen the weak areas of your security program.
Here’s why businesses keep choosing Asher Security.

Tony fixed it.
“I am usually very independent and confident, but when my computer was hacked, I felt completely helpless and frightened that everything I had worked hard for was being taken away in moments. Tony responded quickly and professionally. He identified every area of my system that had been compromised and immediately solved the problem. He explained what had happened and helped me get to a place where I could move forward feeling secure. When something out of my control was stripping me of my resources and privacy, Tony fixed it.
Shawna Kosel – Legal

Helped solve a problem
Tony is wonderful. As a small nonprofit we were experiencing some difficult security issues and he was a huge help. He is thoughtful, careful and honest. We really trusted him and he helped solve a problem! I would highly recommend him.
Sue Abderholden, NAMI Minnesota
Our Program Development services comes with a 100% money back guarantee. You’ll have an organized security program that is broken down into pillars. You will have clarity of how mature each area of your program is. You will be able to target specific high priorities areas of security program and apply speed and efficiency to improve them. You will have visibility of how well efforts improve your program in a short amount of time. You will have the same caliber of security process as leading companies – micro sized for your unique business. You will have security processes that will last years, relieve pressure, and provide peace and confidence you’re doing the right security initiatives the right way.
There is a good reason Asher Security is the expert, the experts call on.
Here’s a note from Tony Asher himself: “I take your security very seriously, and you have my personal promise that I will not rest until you are impressed and confident by your new program. Improve security, improve your business. I believe in our services so much; I guarantee it for life.” – Tony Asher, CISSP
At any time, if you decide Asher Security hasn’t just transformed your security program to be the strongest and best industry aligned plan there is…
Just call Tony Asher himself at 952.228.6173 and we’ll give you a complete refund. You can also email if you don’t feel like calling.
If you aren’t satisfied, we would not feel right keeping your money, so we make it easy to get a refund. And just to be clear, there are absolutely no string attached, no forms to fill out, noting to prove and we promise won’t question you. We won’t even ask for the security plan back. Just for the record, we’ve done dozens of these plans and haven’t had a single refund requested.
And you won’t have to wait either, we will issue any refund check on the spot. In fact, Tony Asher is so confident in his work and desire to serve his clients that we perform refunds immediately.
Reach out. Set up a no-obligation meeting. Meet your cybersecurity partner.
Note: How we use your data:
* We’ll contact you to arrange our meeting.
* We’ll keep you posted on free resources and information.